

RA Poll: Top 50 tracks of 2010

RA winds up its year-end polls with the staff's take on the top tunes of the year.

One thing you probably didn't see coming in 2010: the glorious return of the anthem. Unlike last year, when ultra-subtle tracks like STL's "Silent State" made the top 5, 2010's top 50 is packed with unapologetically catchy bangers, most of which probably got as much play in Ibiza as they did in Berlin. It's as if club music finally became so niched that the crowds once again yearned for collective experiences.

Indeed, if Motor City Drum Ensemble's epic remix of NUfrequency hadn't been officially released in 2009, it might've topped our chart this year. (It'll have to make to do with setting a record for most consecutive months at #1 on RA's DJ charts.) But the RA staff isn't composed solely (or even largely) of DJs. So our list has plenty of weird ones too. UK bass's latest mutations rank nicely, stonefaced techno is still going strong and Chicago's juke phenomenon crashes the party as well. All sorts of music took our fancy this year, this is simply 50 of the most popular among our staff.  

If you really like electronic music, this is an really good chart from the bests of the 2010.

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